New Things
Every quarter I learned so many things, the knowledge I gain this quarter, I will use it for my future. Having a good teacher to teach me and the knowledge I will gain will live eternity. I have a hard time to understand the topic we lesson this quarter because I have no experince in computer during my childhood because we’re to poor and we can’t afford laptop to use. But I have a great teacher to teach me and I was able to understand it and I gained so many things beacuse of her help.
I spend my time in 3rd quarter learning about how to make web page design that will surely help me if I am going to make my own web page. The Cbr that needs collaborative to finish because if theres no teamwork this activity will be impossible. This will help me to collaborate to other person in the future when it needs. This is not only the things I learned this quarter but I will give only the most important of them that will benefit me in the future, the thing I will use for everyday use.
In conclusion, without a good teacher this will be impossible to finish because we need guidance to start and to finish such a project. Moving on I will continue to learned for my future. I will definitely use this knowledge to improve and I will also use it as a new knowledge to slowly achieve my dream.
I am glad that you learn a lot this quarter. I hope that you continue your courage in learning new things. keep it up!