Draft 5

I learned so many things in quarter one especially the history of internet that it was first conceived in the late 60’s. Under the leadership of Arpa. I learned also that Arpanet was made to counter the Ussr. The knowledge I acquired during this quarter fills a gap and will undoubtedly be beneficial for my future.

Adapting to the new lessons under the Matatag Curriculum was challenging, primarily due to the limited time available. The 45-minute duration for each subject proved insufficient for fully explaining the 

lessons, often resulting in unfinished material being assigned as homework. As a student I hope the school schedule will back to 1 hour per subject so i can easily understand the lessons. 

Time management is my friend with this challenge. This helps me allocate time for both my family and my homework. Adapting to this has been difficult, but I am determined to overcome it for the sake of my future.

Moving on, I will embracing new challenges and dedicating my self to learn something new for the sake of my future. I hope the teachers will help us to understand the lessons and make it easier for us to understand. 


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