
Happy Heart’s Day

    Valentine's Day is a joyous celebration where people from all walks of life come together to express their love and affection for one another. This special day is not just reserved for romantic partners, but also for family members, friends, and anyone who holds a special place in our hearts. We show our love and appreciation through thoughtful gestures, such as giving gifts like chocolates, flowers, and heartfelt letters. These small tokens of affection speak volumes about our feelings and make the recipient feel cherished and valued. Valentine's Day is undoubtedly one of the most delightful events in February, filling the air with love, laughter, and happiness. It's a day when couples, fondly known as "love birds," get to revel in each other's company, making the most of this special occasion.   Valentine's Day may not be on my side this time, meaning I don't have a romantic partner to celebrate with. However, I'm grateful to have my loving p...

Intayun Ilocos Sur

Kannawidan is a Festival of Ilocos Sur where   all of the municipality of all Ilocos Sur go to one place where they enjoy the festival. It has so many event such us Food Fair, Foam Fest, Parade, Marching Band, Drag Race, Miss Ilocos Sur, Mr. Ilocos sur, and the most grandest of all is the concert of Filipino artist and etc. Living in Ilocos Sur and  having so many events during the Festival gives joy to the people of Ilocos Sur. Kannawidan is the event where I wait to start, when january    starts I am so excited to the joyous event that will happen. Me and my family go watch Parades and events and I am so happy with it. But this is year we dont go because we have no free time I have school and my siblings also so we doeast able to go. Since my school is in Vigan I was able to watch without my family but I am happy that I was able to watch those events.  In general, kanawidan hold so many memories of Iloco people because of the joyous event happened every jan 23...


  My experience with Community Based Research was a delightful experience that fostered meaningful collaboration with my groupmates. I got to work closely with my groupmates, and we became closer friends, especially during our interviews. Our teamwork helped us learn a lot about our research topic. We worked together, shared our strengths, and achieved something we thought was impossible. I learned that teamwork, communication, and supporting each other are very important. I'll always remember this experience and appreciate my teammates help in making our research successful. After we take a picture with my groupmates and we continued our data-gathering journey. We meet various vendors selling basi, a local wine made from fermented sugarcane. Our goal was to gain insight into their sales and experiences. We approached several vendors, introducing ourselves and explaining the purpose of our research. They warmly welcomed us and shared their stories. We asked a series of questions, i...

New Things

  Every quarter I learned so many things, the knowledge I gain this quarter, I will use it for my future. Having a good teacher to teach me and the knowledge I will gain will live eternity.     I have a hard time to understand the topic we lesson this quarter because I have no experince in computer during my childhood because we’re to poor and we can’t afford laptop to use. But I have a great teacher to teach me and I was able to understand it and I gained so many things beacuse of her help.   I spend my time in 3rd quarter learning about how to make web page design that will surely help me if I am going to make my own web page. The Cbr that needs collaborative to finish because if theres no teamwork this activity will be impossible. This will help me to collaborate to other person in the future when it needs. This is not only the things I learned this quarter but I will give only the most important of them that will benefit me in the future, the thing I will use for...

Gong Xi Fa Cai

  Chinese new year celebrate in the month of january giving the time of chinese people to celebrate their new year. Filipinos celabrate chinese new year because of the country's significant Chinese diaspora and the profound influence of Chinese culture on Filipino traditions. The celebration is a manifestation of solidarity with the Chinese-Filipino community, who have been an integral part of Philippine society and     giving 2 times to the filipinos to celebrate new year.    Filipinos participate in chinese new year festival, which include dragon and lion dances, fireworks, and family gatherings. Filipinos also    give red envelopes with money to children, eating traditional Chinese foods like tikoy, and decorating homes with red decorations like what chinese does. This celebration is also an opportunity for Filipinos to express their appreciation for the contributions of Chinese-Filipinos to the country's economy, culture, and society. In fact, Chin...

A New Beginning

  Everyone was excited to celebrate new year because we’re opening a next page of our life that we can fix our mistake last year, it’s giving us new hope to make our dreams come true. New year was very exciting because everyone setting a new goal they want to achieve this year. My new goal this year was to achieve my dream and letting my self decide what I want. I didn’t achieve my goal last year to become physically active because I got comfortable eating and sleeping but this year I will try to change it by facing this problem and become physically active. Last year,  I have problem deciding what I want and I even let my friend decide what I want but I want to change it. Lastly, this year I don’t want to be a problem to my family because last year I’m a burden to them.  Every year is really exciting because we can fix our mistake last year. All of us want to become our better self. Don’t be afraid to make mistake because you can fix it there are  always be a anothe...

The Best Part of the Year

  Christmas Break is my favorite part of the year because I can spent my time eating and do nothing. Celebrating Jesus Birthday, Our patron fiesta and New year this is all the event i spent my time during vacation this means I eat meat breakfast, lunch and dinner  in short everyday. This not the only thing I do during vacation.  I all spent my time at the house with my family we celebrate all the event complete family and happy. I also spent my time watching ligas in our town and play intercolor in our barangay we only got the place 3rd and the cash price we used it to go eat near a river it was very exciting especially I’m with my friend we also catch fish using bamboo and a hook and worm as our bait. I also help my mother selling Bbq since my siblings is busy studying in Baguio and may other sibling is going to work. And my most favorite time of the vacation is me and my friend go caroling and we have so  much money we’re rich rich that time and me happy. In conclu...